From Fort Beaufort (which is on the R63 and R67):

- Do not GO through Seymore and up Mitchels pass!!!!
- Travel East on the R63, through Alice towards King William’s Town
- 4 km after Alice, turn left onto the R345, to Hogsback.
- Travel approximately 30 km to Hogsback.
From King William’s Town (which is on the N2 and R63):
- Travel West on the R63, towards Alice
- After approximately 60 km (4 km before Alice) turn right onto the R345, to Hogsback.
- Travel approximately 30 km to Hogsback.
From Queenstown (which is on the N6 and R67) via Fort Beaufort (190 km, all tarred):
- Travel South on the R67 to Fort Beaufort via Whittlesea
- Travel through Fort Beaufort and Alice on the R63, towards King William’s Town
- 4 km after Alice, turn left onto the R345, to Hogsback.
- Travel approximately 30 km to Hogsback.
From Queenstown (which is on the N6 and R67) via Whittlesea (95 km, of which 63 km is tarred):
- Travel South on the R67 towards Fort Beaufort via Whittlesea
- After approximately 61 km (1 km after signpost “Seymour 30 km”) turn left towards Cathcart
- After approximately 2 km, turn right onto a dirt road signposted Hogsback
- After 13 km, at a T-junction, turn right onto the R345 (dirt road) signposted Hogsback
- After approximately 8 km the road forks; take the fork to the right.
- After approximately 7 km turn left into Hogsback village. (Carrying on at this point would take you down Michell’s Pass to Seymour – not recommended.)
IMPORTANT: Do not take the Seymore pass even if Google maps suggest it!!!
Part of the R345 from Cathcart to Hogsback is a dirt road in very bad condition – do not attempt to travel this route unless you have a 4×4 or high clearance vehicle. The route below is the preferred option.
From Queenstown (which is on N6 and R67) via Whittlesea, Seymour and Lushington
- Travel South on R67 towards Fort Beaufort via Whittlesea, and turn left into Seymour.
- Travel through the village of Seymour (do NOT take the first road left up Michels Pass even if your GPS tells you to) and continue on the dirt road for 22kms towards the R345 which is the tarred road from Alice to Hogsback.
- When you get to this intersection turn left and travel up the pass to Hogsback – approximately 10 kms.
- Please follow the Maple Grove signs when you get to Hogsback and always approach Winding Lane from the Main Road, and not via Plaatjieskraal road.
- The bottom of Winding Lane is in a bad condition, and we do not recommend approaching Maple Grove from the bottom, even if your GPS tells you to!
- Turn left into Winding Lane (1st road left after St Patricks Chapel) and travel for 400m For easy access into our driveway, No3 Winding Lane, drive between the two trees with the Maple Grove signs on them.
How to get to Maple Grove:
Find us on Google Maps.
If travelling from Alice / Fort Beaufort / King Williams Town direction:
- Travel through the Hogsback village, and turn left into Winding Lane (S 32°24.567; E 026°55.218 – first road on the left after the chapel). Continue down Winding Lane (travel with caution on our “hobbit road”) until you reach a big tree with our name on it. Turn left immediately after the tree into Maple Grove’s driveway (S 32°34.738; E 026°55.072).
If travelling from Queenstown direction:
- Turn right into Winding Lane (S 32°24.567; E 026°55.218 – first road on the right after Misty Mountain Coffee Barn). Continue down Winding Lane (travel with caution on our “hobbit road”) until you reach a big tree with our name on it. Turn left immediately after the tree into Maple Grove’s driveway (S 32°34.738; E 026°55.072).